party on floor 3!

I'm sorry but i have to post this even though Eddie says "No cameras, no fucking cameras!!" in the beginning.
It is too good.

I quote Emma Gustavsson: "Thank god for cameras when you don't remember shit"


one day in copenhagen

Me and Oxie (Rasmus) got up 5 AM and went skating in cph. Fun!
The big concrete park is called Fælledparken and is totally sick, go skate it if you have the chance!

Also in the video: Maria Lima

Long time no writing

Yeah, winter's been long, working's been rough, but we're back in business..

So, these following pictures are taken during skate comp Ultra bowl III/ Get Set Go! in Malmö, Sweden and also some from Copenhagen, Denmark. 

skate meck hos anti

More pictures:

ULTRA BOWL III Masters semi and final
Get Set Go!

Videos coming up soon!

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