Friends in Happy Hudik

Gotta spread this!

follow them at

Fools - Night Edit - Freeride

party on floor 3!

I'm sorry but i have to post this even though Eddie says "No cameras, no fucking cameras!!" in the beginning.
It is too good.

I quote Emma Gustavsson: "Thank god for cameras when you don't remember shit"


Maskeradmassakern / the masquerade massacre

So ok, I've been the most un-updating bus ever but the winter depression got to me. I had some flat tires and didnt really feel like doing anything..

Anyway, here's a video from last fall's competition "Maskeradmassakern" in fryshuset Stockholm skatepark.

If you wanna check out pictures:

smith practice

David - it's gotta be the ice

kickflip in nacka

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